
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Staions of the cross!

Aloha, I hope you had a very holy Easter and spent lots of time with your loved ones. We had a lesson on the staions of the cross our tasks was to created any digital tool and write all of the staions down with a pargraph to explain them so that is what I have done. Have a look down below!

What staion is your favourite?

New Tricky learning Coming up!

Aloha, This week my learning goal was use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers. I have created a google drawing including 6 division questions  and 3 multiplication questions. I really hope you enjoy my presentation! 

What do you prefer multiplication or division?

Perfect Plants!

 Kia ora, This week for reading  are learning goal was Articulate a variety of strategies to help comprehension and use knowledge from text to combine with new idea (own and others) to come up with new thinking. we have been looking into native plants to New Zealand. The 4 plants we learnt about were Rātā, Mānia, Korokio and Kohia. We had a fun create tasks to do. We got to created images/mascots of the plants. I had so much fun creating theses images and I really hope you like them to! 

What image is your favourite?