
Friday, October 30, 2020

Month of the Rosary.

 Hi this month we have been learning the rosary. First you say the sign of the cross, next 1 our father,then 3 hail Mary's, next 10 hail Mary's, then one glory be and one our father and the first mysteries witch our the joyful mysteries. Now 10 more hail Mary's, now one glory be and a our father and the 2 mysteries witch are the Luminous mysteries. Next 10 hail Mary"s once again and one glory be and one our father and the sorrowful mysteries. Now 10 more hail Mary's and then one glory be and 1 our father and the glories mysteries. The glories mysteries include The Resurrection is when after three days Jesus comes back to life again and the third day and everyone is shocked no one could believe so Jesus showed them his scars and they were shocked and believed witch is number 1. The ascension is when it is on Easter day when Jesus of the 40th day goes up to heaven witch is number 2. The descent of the holy spirit is when it is on the 50th day ten days after Jesus ascension up to heaven. Jesus descends the Holy Spirit down to his apostles witch is number 3. The assumption is when Mary mother of Jesus goes up to heaven body and soul to be with her son Jesus witch is number 4. And the one number 5 The coronation is when God finds a place in heaven for Mary and crowns her Queen of heaven. What is your favourite mystery?